Universal Versatile Society
Our Goals
All across Indian states, and more specifically in the Vidharba region of Maharashtra, the farmer suicide crisis has reached a critical emergency level. UVS has adopted a curative and preventive strategy to address this challenge. Our ecovillage project is serving as a preventive measure and our mental health program as a curative measure.
Mental Health Program
Vidarbha region in the State of Maharashtra is an agriculture-intensive region, which has witnessed high farmer suicide rates in the recent past. Unfortunately, poverty, insufficient state aid and climatic conditions have led to an increase in farmers' suicides. We suspect that between 2016 and 2019 almost 8500 farmers have died by suicide, but no organization has reported real data, which leads us to a hypothesis that the figures are higher and that the factors risk are increasingly. The environmental and cultural crisis increase without prevention programs against depression and suicide.
-Program Goals and Objectives
The Mental Health Program aims to improve mental health conditions by providing care and rehabilitation services to the farmers. The Program has been designed to spread awareness, make assessments, and to enable the adoption of interventions to promote mental health; and especially prevent suicidal tendencies among the farmers and induce resilience to economic, social, and cultural problems.
Program Activities
Phase 1:
Positive Promotion Of Mental Health And Prevention Of Suicide
Positive Promotion Of Mental Health And Prevention Of Suicide
In this phase, the mass dissemination of the program is projected. It will be promoted via local media, community gatherings and orientation to the population to build awareness & intent of the Program within the community and promote access to it.
Phase 2:
Detection Of The Risk Of Behaviour Of The Suicide
Detection Of The Risk Of Behaviour Of The Suicide
In this phase, all community intervention activities (fieldwork), collection of the household data through house survey and preliminary diagnosis and referral of high-level complexity cases for hospital care.
Phase 3:
Suicide Behaviour Management
Suicide Behaviour Management
In this phase, individual and community monitoring activities are contemplated. Psychoeducational with the guides of psychosocial care for the community and the volunteer team in the field shall be shared.
Phase 4:
In this phase, training programs aimed at the prevention of suicide and suicidal behaviour management will be conducted – yoga, medication, community activities, etc. Even after the project completion, the community engagement program shall continue through establishment of the focus group consisting of local authorities, volunteers and self-help groups who will continue to engage the community by conducting happiness programs and monitor.